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时间:2020-04-07    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


中国石化新闻网讯 据Oil & Gas Journal网站4月1日消息 伍德麦肯兹在其最新的短期天然气和液化天然气展望报告中称,疫情影响、持续的低油价以及液化天然气供应过剩今年都对天然气行业构成压力。



王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal


WoodMac: Gas sector faces unpredictable year

Coronavirus, sustained low oil prices, and LNG oversupply weigh on the gas sector this year, Wood Mackenzie said in its latest short-term gas and LNG outlook report.

“While the collapse of LNG prices towards US production break-evens was foreseeable, the narrative for the rest of 2020 could not be more unpredictable,” said Robert Sims, Wood Mackenzie research director.

“We expect global LNG demand to grow by 6% year-on-year to 371 million tonnes in 2020; the numbers will need constant revision as economies around the world feel the force of the growing pandemic.”



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